Green is the new Black.
Over the years, I have began ensuring that I’m doing my best to live a more sustainable lifestyle. I make sure I’m conscious of the brands I support, buy from, as well as simply trying to buy less stuff. This is not always an easy task, and it’s not something that just happens overnight. It does usually involve a bit of sacrifice. But, I’ve found that if you start small, you can incorporate these habits seamlessly into your daily lifestyle in no time.
I do believe that small changes can make a difference. Making an impact does not have to be a grand entrance to a ball. Small changes will continue to grow and flourish and inspires others to do the same.
Some small changes I have implemented into my own life over the years include reducing our plastic products through methods such as replacing hand soap bottles with glass refillable ones, using paper sandwich bags instead of plastic, switching out my beauty products one by one as they go empty with vegan brands, and bringing a reusable tote to every store I shop at. I also have begun planting native plants in my yard to help reduce invasive species and to help prevent other animals and plants from going extinct. These are all changes that I was able to incorporate into my daily life, fairly easily.
I will do my best to continue forward with creating, packing, and sourcing, with the least amount of impact on the environment as possible. The beauty of nature and the creatures that live within it depend on us.
What small change will you make today? How will your decision inspires others?